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Summer is often hailed as the perfect time for a move. The warmer weather and longer days make it an ideal season for transitioning to a new home. However, moving during this popular time can also present unique challenges. With over a decade of experience, the best removal company Bromley has to offer shares essential tips to ensure a smooth summer move.

Planning Ahead is Crucial

Summer is the peak moving season. Many families choose to move during these months due to school holidays, which minimises disruption to children’s education. This high demand means that schedules of removal companies in Bromley can fill up quickly. To avoid disappointment, it is crucial to book your removal service well in advance. Early planning gives you the flexibility to choose a date that suits you best and also often secures better rates. Don’t forget to pick up moving supplies.

Avoid the Hottest Part of the Day

When scheduling your move with a removal company Bromley residents trust, consider the timing. The heat of midday can make moving particularly strenuous. It’s advisable to start early in the morning when the temperature is cooler. Not only is this more comfortable for everyone involved, but it also increases efficiency, as workers are less likely to be slowed down by the oppressive heat.

Stay Hydrated and Protected

During a summer move, keeping hydrated is vital. Ensure that there is plenty of water available for everyone involved in the move, including the removal team. Additionally, use sunscreen and wear light, breathable clothing to protect against sunburn. The best removal company Bromley offers will prioritise the wellbeing of both their staff and clients, creating a safer moving environment for all.

Protect Your Belongings from the Heat

Heat can pose a risk to certain items during a move. Electronic devices, CDs, vinyl records, and certain types of furniture can be sensitive to high temperatures. Discuss with your removal company Bromley the best ways to protect these items during transport. Often, this will involve careful packing and perhaps even temperature-controlled storage solutions for particularly vulnerable items.

Organise Utilities in Advance

Ensure that the utilities at your new home are set up before your move. Arriving at a new home with no electricity or water during a hot summer day can be highly inconvenient. Coordinate with your removal company in Bromley to determine the expected arrival time at your new home and plan utility activation accordingly.

Pack Wisely for the Weather

When packing for a summer move, consider the specific needs of the season. For instance, pack a separate box with essentials you’ll need on moving day, such as sun cream, hats, light clothing, and towels, in case you need to freshen up. Label this box clearly and make sure it’s loaded last so that it can be accessed easily.

Take Care of Your Removal Team

Summer moves can be taxing on the physical well-being of the movers. You can help by creating a comfortable working environment. Provide access to a shaded rest area, cold water, and light snacks. A comfortable and appreciated team is more motivated, which can translate into more efficient and careful handling of your belongings.

Plan for Summer Traffic

Traffic during summer can be unpredictable, with many people heading out for holidays or day trips. Discuss with your removal company Bromley the best routes and times to move, taking into account possible traffic congestions. They will have the local knowledge required to navigate these issues effectively.

Consider Children and Pets

If you have children or pets, moving day can be particularly stressful for them. Consider arranging for them to stay with friends or family during the move. This not only keeps them safe but also allows you to focus on the task at hand without distractions.

Smooth Sailing with the best Removal Company Bromley Has to Offer!

By following these summer moving tips from the best removal company Bromley has to offer, you can ensure a smoother, more efficient move. Remember, the key to a successful move is in the planning and execution. Choose a trusted, experienced removal company in Bromley, and you’ll be well on your way to a successful relocation. And if you’re looking for top-notch service that takes into account all the nuances of a summer move, look no further than our team. Contact us today to get started on your stress-free move!